(Click on image for larger view... if you want to.)
This file was originally called "Ancient Man Photoshopped to Death" - I just sketched an old guy with wrinkles in Open Canvas and then did the coloring in the ubiquitous Photoshop for practice. Ugh. I do NOT know how to apply proper shading! HELP!
Pencil sketch on white bond, background misty swirly thing is Photoshop.(Click the pic for larger view of image.) I have to use this sketch I did some time early last year (or was it late 2003?!??) for the Illustration Friday theme this week: ANCIENT. Dragons are ancient... aren't they? I mean they represent a time of ancient mythology... and they're so awesome to draw. I did this while I was sitting in a Starbucks feeling really angry about something and equating my rage with a fire-breathing dragon. Thankfully, almond triple-shot lattés are a wonderful panacea for most of what ails me. I'm really easy to please.I had lots of other sketches of things (most of which have been covered fabulously in some shape or form at Illustration Friday). I did a few sketches of really old people but my son said he thinks they say "decrepit" more than "ancient." Then I did some tortoise and sea turtles and redwood trees and a couple of bad attempts at the Coliseum and Parthenon. However, since time is at a premium this week more than usual, here's my sketch. I appreciate anyone's comments and you don't even have to say it's good... I welcome any constructive criticism. Really - I can handle it. <_<
Let sleeping hogs lie...
Border collie... *I miss my dog!*
Done in Open Canvas and tweaked with Photoshop.
This is my "Bulbous Bird" from a story idea... he's too fat to fly, that's why he looks so sad.
I was surfing around when I came across this awesome animation created by Michael Levy to a recording by John Coltrane. It's inspiring and fits in with the last Illustration Friday theme of JAZZ... Enjoy! It's worth the time!