Please click on thumbnail to view full image. I did another baby in Open Canvas. I am hoping that you will take the time to give me an honest critique. While I know that I can draw "above average", I really want to improve my composition so I keep trying to add things. I would very much value and appreciate any honest critique, specifically in the following areas:
- What elements can I add or remove to improve the overall composition of the piece? Should there be more detail and small things added? Better background? "Texture"?
- How do I accomplish an overall consistency in my lighting and shading that would give the picture more depth? I have been experimenting and trying to learn from observing others.
- Is this sort of illustration suitable for greeting cards? Children's books? Magazines? My hubby and parents are hinting that I should parlay this into something that will at least justify all the time I spend doodling and sketching and all the money I spend on paper and art supplies.
- Should the lines be stronger? Brushstrokes? Are my illustrations too "blurry" or soft looking? I know in some cases, soft is good, but I often wonder if people want to clean their computer screens or glasses or rub their eyes because sometimes I think my stuff looks overly hazy. Maybe it's the translation into .jpg format or something.
- Do you have any helpful hints re dpi and resolution? If I'm going to do digital illustrations what format should I save them in that translates the colors best? I know that when I save something from Open Canvas to .jpg format and open it again in Photoshop, the color/appearance seems to change.
Because I am unable to attend any art classes or art groups right now, I value the critiques that I may get through this blog and my participation in things like Illustration Friday. I have been so encouraged by many of the participants who have taken the time to comment on my submissions. I love the positives but I really am hoping that I can improve my illustrations from the comments of others (besides, I have to learn to take criticism in a constructive way since I'm also trying to become an author and those rejection letters will be plentiful I'm sure).
While this is not fine art and I've never done an acrylic or oil or even real watercolor painting, I see this as a practice ground and will also venture into learning traditional mediums, starting probably with watercolor. I sketch with pencil and markers or I draw on the pen tablet. I have a cartoony style for some things and a "modified" realistic style (I think). I'm sure those aren't real art terms but it's about as close as I can describe it. I want to find my own style even though I love so much of what I've seen.
My biggest fans - my kids - always say, "Mom, you should be a professional artist!" - but I suspect they are biased. ;)
So, in advance, I thank you - I thank you for your honesty, your generosity and your critiques. Really, I'm not fishing for compliments! (But you can leave those too if it warrants it! *grin*)